Saturday, March 12, 2016

March Status Update

Time flies when you're having fun. For us the fun has been in creating tons of content within a short period of time while killing bugs and continuing the never-ending work of improving the controls and gameplay.

The pace has been quite tough and the ride is getting rougher everyday. We're now in the middle of the dreaded crunch time!


Some of our levels are quite ridiculous in size which makes them quite laborious to decorate and lightmap. Sometimes it feels like we're asking too much from mobile devices, but nope. Everything's working fine.

A shot of medium sized level

Our final level count seems to settle somewhere around 36 levels and we're actually starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and we're somewhat certain it's not a train.

Other progress

What's happening currently is we're creating the last missing ~10 levels, adding the story elements to the game and dividing the whole batch of levels to 3 separate episodes or chapters. They will ALL be included in the final game and they're NOT separate purchases, but just a way to divide the story to 3 chapters & themes neatly.

Main menu and episode & level selector screens need to be constructed and artwork for those has also begun. We also need to create intro, cutscene and outro graphics in the following weeks.

We also hired a talented musician for the project and the work for the soundtrack has now begun!
This is very exciting and lifts the project to a whole new level. More about this in a separate post a bit later!

There's a blog post about character art hanging in the mix which should've been posted a long ago, but since the character art workflow changed, the post needs some rewriting. It's going to be out soon though!

Well that's it for this post. We're going to be updating this blog more frequently now as the project approaches final state. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more!

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